Scorpion Solitaire

Scorpion Solitaire

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Welcome to the card puzzle game where players have to collect them in the right sequence to clear the field. The process offers exciting and challenging gameplay that requires strategic thinking and attention to detail. Will you be able to complete all the levels and become a master at it?


Scorpion Solitaire offers users to spend time solving interesting and challenging tasks. In the center is an old magic book that opens access to secret card layouts. Each of them is a riddle that you must solve to move on.


  1. Simple Rules
  2. Movement Sequences
  3. Action Plan
  4. Hidden Combinations

Goal and Ending

In this game, you must arrange the cards in a certain way to collect them and clear the area. This challenge consists of many levels, each of which represents a new mission. Will you be able to learn all the secrets and get to the end?

Special Elements:

  1. Notebook with Tasks and Secrets
  2. Magic Bonuses
  3. Hints

Scorpion Solitaire offers fans an exciting experience combining strategic thinking and attentiveness. Each round increases in difficulty, requiring more skill and planning from you. Everyone will get satisfaction from finishing! Will you be able to complete this journey perfectly and with good results?