Custom Wordle

Custom Wordle

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Custom Wordle is an exciting variation of the classic challenge that allows our guests to create their own puzzles and share them with others. The process retains the basic principles of the original, but adds new opportunities for creativity.


In this game, users are immersed in a world of riddles and word puzzles, where the main goal is to solve words. However, in this version, each of you has the opportunity to become not only a solver, but also a creator of your own tasks. Sounds interesting, right? The story begins with you gaining access to tools for creating and customizing your own versions.

You can choose:

  1. Phrase Length
  2. Add your own Dictionaries
  3. Add Hints


This freedom allows all fans to create a masterpiece that suits their interests and level of difficulty. In Custom Wordle, participants can choose what they want to do right now. Do you want to see how others are doing? Use the intuitive input interface, which will definitely simplify the process.

Use a variety of topics, such as scientific terms, popular phrases, or personal interests. Each letter you enter gets feedback on the correctness of its position. How quickly can you get closer to the real answer in the game?